Wednesday, March 20, 2013

ORA-01555 & ORA-02063 error

ERROR: Error fetching from cursor. ORACLE error is ORA-01555: snapshot too old: rollback segment
       number  with name "" too smallORA-02063: preceding line from "DataBase Path"

Proc sql ;
  connect to oracle as ora (blah blah blah) ;
  create table gnu as
  select * from connection to ora
  (select day accnt_id record_type record_subtype
                    paid_mou bonus_mou cust_type COS
   where day <= to_date(&orastartdate) and cust_type='Consumer' and record_type in ('VOICE','SMS','XTRAS') and COS in (10,20,30,40,60)
   ) ;
   disconnect from ora ;
Quit ;

Data usage2 ; set gnu ; Yadda yadda yadda. ;
Thanks for all, for your valuable suggestions, I have sent my code and the error to my DBA.
I am sending the code to all of you, so that all who have spend time on this error can have a look at the code and let me know your comments in tuning the code.
options obs=max errorabend compress=yes BUFNO=256 BUFSIZE=64;
data _null_; enddate=today(); startdate=enddate-90; *startdate=intnx('month',date(),-4,'b'); *enddate=intnx('month',date(),-2,'e'); call symput ('startdate',startdate); call symput ('enddate',enddate); run;
%let oraStartDate=%eval(&startdate*60*60*24); %let oraEndDate=%eval((&enddate*60*60*24)+(86399));
data usage2 (keep=accnt_id monthof duration total_mou); set ora_dev.DW_CDR_ACCOUNT_DAY (keep=day accnt_id record_type record_subtype paid_mou bonus_mou cust_type COS); where day <= &orastartdate. and cust_type='Consumer' and record_type in ('VOICE','SMS','XTRAS') and COS in (10,20,30,40,60); day_date=datepart(day); monthof = intnx('month',day_date,0); array fixnulls(3) $ accnt_id record_type record_subtype; do i=1 to 3; if fixnulls(i)='NULL' then fixnulls(i)=' '; end; format day_date date7.; duration=sum(paid_mou,bonus_mou); if duration=. then duration=0; total_mou=duration; format monthof mmddyy8.; run;
I am facing error due to this ora_dev.DW_CDR_ACCOUNT_DAY data set.
ERROR: Error fetching from cursor. ORACLE error is ORA-01555: snapshot too old: rollback segment number 3 with name "_SYSSMU3$" too small.
The Oracle docs note this on the ora-02063 error:

ORA-02063: preceding stringstring from stringstring
Cause: an Oracle error was received from a remote database link.
 Action: refer to the preceding error message(s)
Oracle MOSC documents give an account of ORA-02063 as occurring when "You want to query or update a remote table and receive the following error":
ORA-02063: preceding line from <name of a database link> This also happens when a select is issued over a database link, and not a  distributed transaction Solution Description -------------------- The ORA-2063 indicates that this must be done at the remote database. Explanation ----------- When the error is generated at the remote database it is accompanied with an ORA-2063. In this case the parameter distributed_transactionsmust be increased at the remote database. If there is no ORA-2063 the parameter distributed_transactions must be increased at the local database. In a distributed environment, if a select is issued in a session without the  SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY command, the select query is considered a distributed transaction. If the parameter distributed_transactions is set too low, this too will result in an ORA-2042 and ORA-2063  
It is important to note that ORA-02063 typically appears with ORA-02042

1 comment:

  1. Hi ,

    Im getting similar error in active dataguard.
    The query is running fine in primary oracle database but its throwing below error for its corresponding dataguard

    ORA-01555 : snapshot too old: rollback segment number 8716 with name "_SYSSMU8716_4144105650$" too small
    ORA-02063: preceding line from NATKIT
