US Result Code - Indicates whether the address was successfully verified. In case the address was not successfully verified, a US Return Code indicates the cause of address verification failure, as shown in the following table:
Text Result Code | Numeric Result Code | Description |
OK | 0 | Address was verified successfully. |
PARSE | 11 | Error parsing address. Components of the address might be missing. |
CITY | 12 | Could not locate city/state or zip in the USPS database. At least (city and state) or ZIP must be present in the input. |
MULTI | 13 | Ambiguous address. There were two or more possible matches for this address with different data. |
NOMATCH | 14 | No matching address found in the USPS data. |
OVER | 15 | One or more input strings is too long (maximum 100 characters). |
US Numeric Result Code Contains the numeric result to the US Result Code field. See the Numeric Result Code column above for additional information.
Dan Strickland - SAS Platform Adminstrator -512.666.4546_IF/Reg1__________
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, 3407 S Chadbourne, San Angelo, TX 76903
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, 3407 S Chadbourne, San Angelo, TX 76903
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